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Here you have collectibles for sale. Strictly selected, they are described with their quality and the reality of the effects of aging. Items may have wear and tear or imperfections. Go through the gallery, look at pictures. Don't hesitate to let me know any questions.


Some of these pieces are shown "as is", that is to say before restoration. You can buy them and take care of them by yourself. You can also ask us for advice on choosing a strategy.

Or ask a quote, so instrument is delivered to you after its complete rehabilitation.

bruder figures couv

coffret bijoux en forme de piano Charles X

coll tph couv

coll tph couv

aquarelle joueur d'orgue de barbarie

aquarelle joueur d'orgue de barbarie

aquarelle joueur d'orgue de barbarie

tabatiere cylindres interchangeables ullmann cuendet couv

Bontemps singing bird couv

lithophanie lecon de chant couv

lithophanie prise de tabac couv

organina thibouville lamy 24 touches couv

orgue salon kelsen couv

automate orgue 1 Couv

tachymetre enregistreur vaucanson locomotive vapeur couv

wurlitzer 146 B fair organ couv

cabinet reproducteur welte mignon couv

Chapuis les automates

inventaire instruments musique terreur 1890 bruni gallay

orgue salon secretaire 32 ludion couv

orgue barbarie belcanto 27 ludion couv

orgue barbarie ludion 32 baladin couv

roi sonneur automate orgue couv

jetons token

repertoire ancien harmoniclave 2

repertoire ancien cecilium 2

bam 1576 couv

automate d orgue sonneur de timbre couv

LE LUDION Sarl                +  33 607 624 394
Established in 1976   -   Capital de 120.000 €
SIRET 334 256 120 00026          NAF 3220Z
VAT Ident                         FR 26 334 256 120
2 Rue Pierre de Fermat F-31000 TOULOUSE
RCP MMA IARD                     N° 113 520 312