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Blowin' in the Wind - A l'Ecoute des Automates flûtistes
Philippe Crasse (2016)
Comparative study about flutist automata and focus on thoses Alexandre-Nicolas Théroude's masterpiece.
First of all, let us wonder of the durability of artistic subjects as our automata.
What the myth of the Man-machine, the watch-making precision of the industrial era can indeed be the common denominator between the medieval sketches illustrating the alexandrine searches during the last centuries BC, the old-fashioned charm of the bourgeois toys or the modern engineering of robotics to make everything?
By studying this epic, Philippe Crasse discovers what seems to be an injustice …
That is why, in the second part, he looks for the fields of manufacture, demonstrates by supplying sources, argues and, making undergo a test of paternity to the rare copies still in existence, he draws up the genome of them, wrongly attributed, and gives back to Théroude, badly known manufacturer, the honor of which he was deprived.
The author, organ builder, expert of justice near the Court of Appeal of Toulouse, C.N.E.S. member, has restored music machines throughout its professional life.
Convinced by the magic of these old-fashioned artifacts, the impact of which does not weaken on all generations, he delivers us here his search on history of the flutists throughout ages, his admiration for these mechanical subtleties and his enthusiasm for these objects of power.
English / French edition, numbered, limited at hundred exemplars. Ed. Le LUDION, 2014, pp. 180.
New, 219x297mm, english and french texts, many color and B&W pictures and facsimile.
Musique en Boites, Boites à Malices
Ève Bernard-Chaillat (1987)
Color printed catalog of the Paris Grand-Palais exhibition private collection.
in french, english and deutsch
Initiation à la Musique Mécanique
Ève Bernard-Chaillat (1990)
Historical digest about MMI plus explanations schemes showing each instrument types.
New, 219x297 mm, B&W illustrations, lot of technical drawings.
The American Carousel Organ - An Illustrated Encyclopedia by Ron Bopp
The music that one encounters from a carousel, or carnival or amusement park for that matter, is an upbeat, exciting type of music. It stirs one's emotions and prepares us for an anticipated "good time." This music originally was provided by mechanical organs in the late 19th century and the first 30 years of the 20th century until electronically-amplified music became feasable. These mechanical organs were known as "Band Organs" in general and when associated with the carousel were marketed and sold as "Carousel Organs." The same organs were also popular for the skating rink industry and many were sold for that purpose.
No matter where these mechanically-operated organs were placed, they did provide what enthusiasts endorse today as The Happiest Music On Earth! The music from these organs just seems to set the mood for the circling horses and menagerie of a carousel. Today preservationsits of the existing carousels and band organs both agree that the two entities go together like "peanut butter and jelly."
This book covers the almost 40-year span of the production of these wonderful organs. Many examples are noted where the organs are used together with a carousel. Text from book's dust jacket.
New, size : 11-1/4 inches (28.5 cm) high by 8-3/4 inches (22.4 cm) wide., 280 p.
In English.
The Golden Age of Automatic Musical Instruments
Arthur A. Reblitz (2002)
These marvels of technology performed in the royal palaces of Europe, elegant drawing rooms in New York City, speakeasies in Chicago, and the saloons of the Wild West! Learn why they were as popular from the 1890s to the 1920s as the latest electronic wonders are today.
You will discover:
The fascinating history of automatic instruments and their music, in 158,000 words and hundreds of brilliant color photographs.
Elegant cabinetry, beautiful art glass, and mechanical motion pictures.
Inside views of fascinating mechanisms never before published.
Collecting stories: great instruments rescued just in the nick of time.
How automatic instruments can sound like accomplished musicians.
List of manufacturers and agents, extensive glossary, and bibliography.
Helpful hints for collecting today.
Tracker scales and key frame layouts
The famous names of automatic music, including Aeolian, Ampico, Arburo, Bacigalupo, Bruder, Bursens, Coinola, Cremona, Decap, Duo-Art, Gavioli, Hupfeld, Imhof & Mukle, Limonaire, Link, Marquette, Mills Novelty Company Violano-Virtuoso, Molinari, Mortier, Nelson-Wiggen, Pianola, PianOrchestra, Polyphon, Popper, Regina, Ruth, Seeburg, Steinway, Symphonion, Tangley, Weber, Welte, Western Electric, Wurlitzer, and hundreds of others.
- Intriguing public collections of the past and present, including the Sutro Museum and Cliff House, Svoboda’s Nickelodeon Tavern, Eakins’ Gay Nineties Village and Melodie Violin Museum, Sanders’ Musical Museum, the Bovey Restoration in Virginia City and Nevada City, Montana, Clark’s Trading Post; the Sanfilippo Victorian Palace, the Krughoff Collection, and many others
If you enjoy music or mechanical things, you will treasure this book!
Beautiful 9” x 12” 448 pages
La Seconde Mort des Instruments de Musique à Mécaniques
Philippe Crasse (2010) - Le Ludion Ed. 80 p., nb illustrations Coul et N&B.
Soutenu devant la Chambre Nationale des Experts Spécialisés en Objets d’Art et de Collection - C.N.E.S. En vue d’obtenir le titre d’Expert en Automates et Instruments de Musique à Mécaniques.
Si le titre de ce mémoire semble dramatiquement racoleur, ce n’est pas par goût immodéré du sensationnel mais parce qu’à travers une présence constante sur le marché de l’Art et de la restauration d’instruments de musique dits à mécaniques (les IMM), j’ai constaté dans ces instruments un certain nombre de désordres causés le plus souvent par l’étreinte admirative de leurs propriétaires successifs.Garantissez-moi de mes amis, je saurai bien me défendre de mes ennemis m’ont souvent supplié boîtes à musique et orgues de barbarie en piteux état.Si l’âge et les outrages du temps ont laissé des traces quelquefois attendrissantes -Ne parle-t-on pas de la patine des ans… -force est de constater que la plupart des problèmes rencontrés par le restaurateur viennent du propriétaire, de ses aïeux ou de ses ayants droits.
Neuf, 80 p., 219x297 mm, illustrations couleurs.
Die Wiener FlötenUhr
Helmut Kowar
Les meubles à musique viennois de la grande époque fin XVIIIe et début XIXe siècles. On ne présente plus l'auteur, musicologue et conservateur autrichien ayant longuement étudié ces mécanismes fins interprétant les oeuvres de compositeurs de talents.
Neuf, 300 p., 225x225 mm, texte allemand accompagné de nombreuses illustrations couleurs.
Musikautomaten im Auto + Technik Museum Speyer und Sinsheim
Vision de ces deux musées de la technique et des moyens de locomotion.
190 p., 295x280 mm, texte anglais et allemand, nombreuses illustrations couleurs.
Les Automates
Alfred Chapuis & Edmond Droz - Ed. du Griffon - 1949.
Ouvrage broché en excellent état.Le grand oeuvre de cet horloger suisse, expliquant, démontant, animant les automates, la passion de sa vie.
Edition rare, parfait état, 430 p., 215x290 mm, illustrations N&B, qqes hors-textes en quadrichromie.