My commitments towards Sellers
My experience in the field of Automatons, Fairground Art and Mechanical Musical Instruments since 1976, my library and my documentation (More than 6000 books and documents), my worldwide collectors network, allow me to respond in a relevant and effective way to requests for expertise from individuals wishing estimates for sharing, insurance, sales or simply wanting to know more about the collectibles they are the custodians of.
Often, this boils down to simple answers to photographs sent by mail but if the piece justifies it, I carry out a organological examination, attentive listening whenever possible (Don’t forget these are automatons and automatic musical instruments) and the writing of a descriptive sheet.
At the reception of your photos & your videos sent through request form and the settlement of the amount of the lump sum opening of file, I give you an opinion on the interest of the piece and an estimation of the market price. This is formalized by the issuance of a summary of knowledge on the piece, a specimen of which is visible here.
This step is not an expertise and cannot, at this stage, incur my responsibility, as far as elements provided, are it through non-verifiable media (photography, film or video, recording, etc...)
This procedure has the advantage of answering your first questions, of leaving you full freedom in the choice of strategy and to assure you of my perfect independence.
Depending on this first approach, I am able to advise you on the most relevant sales strategies: OTC sale, auction, private transaction, or according to your wishes, a mode of conservation, a restoration or the Building lots for sharing...
- When the destiny of the piece is stopped and after physical examination of the art object or collection, I carry out its expertise. This takes the form of a Certificate of Authenticity, descriptive file usable in court and binding on third parties.
- In the case of an willing sale, I include this (these) sheet (s) on the website Picking up the description and link pointing to a complete photo folder of the object. A commission on the sale is levied on the final sale price, fixed in common agreement with you.
- In the case of an auction, I propose a study of auctioneer according to the geographical location of the instrument or a strategic choice as to the relevance of the exhibition and I accompany your pieces until their final auction. I include this (these) sheet (s) on the website By indicating the date of sale, the contact details of the S.V., and all the means for the best possible realization. A minimum selling price, says Reserve price, may be defined in agreement with the auctioneer. It usually corresponds to the low estimation of the expertise. My fees are then included in the sales fee and paid by the auctioneer.
- In the case of a restoration, I advise the professional most suitable for the work envisaged, I am the advancement of their realization and verifies their conformity with the rules of the Art.